Karen Black

Code of Conduct

Matt Tillet, an F-8 Crusader pilot, is shot down over North Vietnam in 1966. He escapes from his spiraling, out-of-control jet with only seconds to spare, but is quickly captured by Vietnamese militiamen. Surviving torture, months of solitary confinement and the infamous Hanoi March, the dream of returning home to his wife and two children keeps him going. Repatriated in 1973, he returns to find t ...


Dr. Greg McGregor, a geotechnical engineer from St. Paul, cannot possibly foresee how much his life will change nor how much it will be in danger, when he answers a call from his friend, Charley Farnsworth, chief engineer and major stock owner in TINMAN, an international heavy equipment construction company, asking Greg to meet him in L.A. immediately concerning a nine-digit secret he can’t discus ...