DL Jones

The Injection

he only thing to save two old friends from death may also be what kills them. Mr. Peters is a successful business owner. Other than dealing with a recent rash of break-ins, he lives a very satisfying life. That was until a childhood friend and brilliant scientist paid him a visit. While the two friends had a troubled past, not speaking for ten years, the reunion was a happy one. That happine ...

Scepter of Truth

Tangie Newsham has trained for years to qualify for the military’s elite Nano-Soldier Unit. But her motivations run deeper than serving her country, because she’s looking for a killer in the ranks. Fifteen years ago, her nanotech-scientist father died in a “lab accident” while working for the military. Tangie knows it was no accident, after her father discovered a secret continent hidden beneath t ...

Category Fantasy
Billette Hall

Will they make it to Billette Hall, or die by the hands of the murderous stalker that hunts them? Southern United States, 1858 Fifteen-year-old Marion knows what happens to slaves who don’t obey the rules, but when an auction ends in the separation of families, she’s forced to break a few rules. Armed with nothing more than a single shot in her revolver and just enough courage to forgo th ...

Category Horror